South Tyneside Greens Push Council Into Action Over Climate Goal
South Tyneside Green Party
October 2021

In June 2021, Green councillor Sue Stonehouse wrote to Cllr Tracey Dixon, leader of South Tyneside Council, formally requesting that they follow in the footsteps of many local authorities around the country in signing up to the UK100 Pledge.
The UK100 Pledge is a clear and cost-effective plan for the transition to Net Zero carbon emissions, focused solely on climate, clean energy and clean air for all.
Cllr Sue Stonehouse said, “We’re pleased that the council leader has listened to us and taken the step to sign up to the pledge. We welcome the work done since Cllr David Francis pushed the Council to declare a Climate Emergency back in 2019 and this is a significant extension to that work. This demonstrates why it is so important to have Greens on the council – holding the ruling group to account on their promises, both to local people and to our planet.”
Green Group leader Cllr Francis said, “It has been great to see Sue take a lead on this important issue. That said, there is still much more our council could do, from looking at its fossil fuel investments to taking action on emissions from council housing. COP26 is just around the corner, and we must be pushing those in positions of influence to go as far as they can to mitigate against the worst effects of the climate crisis.”
For more information on the UK100 Pledge, visit