South Tyneside Greens call for calm and offer solidarity to our community
South Tyneside Green Party
2nd August 2024
A Call for Peace and Solidarity in Troubling Times

South Tyneside Green Party fully supports the statement put out by our Green Group leader, Councillor David Francis yesterday, in reaction to the senseless attack in Southport on Monday and the unrest and rioting that has happened subsequently.
Our Green Party councillors have reached out across the community to offer support and solidarity.
We are particularly saddened to see the horrific violence unfolding on the streets of Sunderland this evening – with damage and destruction of buildings, vehicles and businesses and attacks on the local mosque.
There is no place for this behaviour in a civilised society – but this has reached a head after years of Governments moving further and further to the right, with the wholesale demonisation of minority groups and severe lack of investment in our communities.
We condemn the actions of those who wish to do our communities harm and send our heartfelt solidarity and support to anyone who feels unsafe because of these actions.
If you have concerns about the escalation of this activity in our community, please reach out to your Green councillors.
If you feel threatened or unsafe, please contact the Police on 101. If there is immediate danger, please call 999.