Andrew Guy
West Park

Andrew Guy is one of three Green councillor’s for the West Park ward in South Shields, and Green Group Deputy Leader.
“I joined the Green Party for several reasons, the most important being that of the environment. Secondly, the residents are truly listened to, presented facts and options, and not dictated to by powerful corporations and organisations hiding behind the guise of democracy in the form of the two major parties. One size does not fit all, and the Green way of having hundreds of smaller self-governing parties which follow principles and not demands, along with complete freedom within the local party to vote and act in the interests of the people, and not party politics meant being ‘Green’ was a no brainer.”
“Outside of the Green Party, I work in the energy and housing industry. My work ranges from energy consultancy in domestic dwellings, to designing renewable heating systems. Alongside this, I take a real interest in the technical challenges and opportunities to a net-zero world.”
“In the community, I have been part of and set up various resident lead groups. I am a strong believer that decisions that directly affect residents, should come from the residents. Where expertise is required, discussions should be completely transparent and consultations should not be a tick box exercise, but a way for residents to have the last say.”
Andrew’s Committee & Working Group Memberships
Planning Committee
The Committee determines applications for planning permission in respect of major developments as well as dealing with certain other planning related matters.
Audit Committee (Vice-Chair)
Licensing/Regulatory Committee
Housing Performance Panel
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Place Select Committee
Riverside Community Area Forum
Ecological Emergency Working Group
Climate Change Members Working Group
Appeals Panel
This Panel deals mainly with appeals by individuals against housing allocation decisions and employee related appeals but it is also used to hear appeals in relation to certain other Council services. The Panel will consist of 3 Councillors, whom are selected each time and will be chaired by the Lead Member Governance, Finance and Corporate Services. As the appeals are always of a confidential nature they are always held in private. Due to being a member of this committee, Cllr Guy has additonal strict procedures he must follow surrounding employee conduct and disputes in the public eye above other Councillors.
Andrew’s External Appointments
Vice-Chair of Mortimer Community College Governing Board
Andrew a co-opted governor for Mortimer Community College, and has been selected by the board to vice-chair the governors. The role of a governor is ensuring the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction is in place for the school. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff, whilst overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Andrew has recently taken on the SEN Link governor role. This role requires Andrew to undetake the following actions:
- Develop an effective working relationship that allows for appropriate support and challenge
- Conduct monitoring visits to learn about the school or trust’s context and the needs of pupils with SEND
- Discuss SEND provision, focusing on how policies are applied and whether any changes are needed
- Understand the school/trust’s strengths in relation to SEND provision and areas for development
- Ensure that the SENCo has received appropriate training and is well supported. Seek assurance that staff receive effective and up to date SEND training
Andrew is also on Mortimer Community College Resources Committee
Surgery Times
West Park Councillors, Cllr Andrew Guy, Cllr Jim Yare and Cllr Peter Bristow hold their ward surgeries on the first Saturday of every month, 1pm-3pm, at the West Park Veteran’s Hut.
Latest News From Andrew
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Published and promoted by Chris Rose on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Green Party of England & Wales, PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ.
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